5 Rhyme & Reason

This post has neither. I’m listening to Sufjan Stevens and relaxing my very tired legs. The first week back to commuting by bike has taken a lot out of me. Tonight’s photos are from Lake Winnipesaukee from this past July. In retrospect, all of the photos feature the lakes in them so disregard the title and the last few sentences.

Which reminds me, I’ve gotten the question a few times now and the countdown is just for my “30 posts in 30 days” challenge. The only thing that will happen when I get to 1 will be me taking a break from nightly posts.

6 Experimenting with Composition

Today I took some photos on my lunch break and I was experimenting with composition. I talked about the rule of thirds in a previous post and this is my other go-to method for creating photos: Leading Lines. Lines in the photo that either frame the subject or create a path for the eye to follow. Most of the time it’s invisible and we naturally react to photos in a few basic ways. We look at a person to see what direction they’re looking, we follow patterns of the same objects or implied connections. Almost all of my favorite photos and images have lines that bring your attention around the page and ideally back to the start.

That was really dry and I apologize for sounding like a textbook. I find it’s always easier to show than it is to describe.





Leading Lines


Not Applicable